Book: Category: Title: Author: Date Completed: | 26 A memoir You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) Felicia Day 04.12.2015 |
I first came across Felicia Day while watching the web series Doctor Horrible's Singalong Blog, which is a musical starring Neil Patrick Harris as an aspiring supervillian and Nathan Fillion as his jerkass superhero nemesis. (I definitely recommend checking it out if you haven't seen it.) But I didn't put a name to her face until a few years later, when I saw her in some videos on the YouTube show TableTop - in which Wil Wheaton plays board games with a few of his friends. I thought she was really funny and always seemed to be having a good time playing games for a living, but it was a throwaway comment she made on during one of the TableTop episodes that especially drew me to her. It turned out that, like me, Felicia Day was a music major. I've often been told that music is a hobby, not a viable career option, so encountering a person who had studied music at university (and managed to make a living out of it) made me feel a lot more confident about my own choice of degree. I was encouraged that there was still a possibility that I wouldn't end up spending most of my adult life in unfulfilled, penniless misery. It sounds sort of pathetic as I write it out, but at the time I found it really affirming to know that someone that I admired had made the same degree choice that I had.
So, when I saw that Felicia Day had written a memoir, of course I bought and read it. And, in all seriousness, I loved it. The writing style was casual and personal, the topics that Felicia chose to talk about were interesting and relevant, and she managed to highlight some serious issues in a funny, lighthearted manner without trivialising the content.